Island Climate Update 29 - February 2003


Monthly climate


Forecast validation

Three-month outlook

Feature article

Data sources

In this issue

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    Feature article

    Tropical cyclone update
    The tropical cyclone outlook for the current moderate El Niño season (2002/2003) forecasts an eastward spread in cyclone occurrence, with more cyclones than normal expected east of the dateline, and somewhat fewer than normal in the west.
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    Forecast validation

    Forecast validation
    Forecast period: November 2002 to January 2003
    The El Niño related region of enhanced convection over Western and Eastern Kiribati was expected to persist, resulting in continued above average rainfall there, and above average or average rainfall in Wallis and Futuna, Tuvalu, and Tokelau. A tendency towards below average rainfall was expected from Papua-New Guinea east-southeast to the Austral Islands, including New Caledonia, Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga, Niue, and the Southern Cook Islands.
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    ENSO & SST

    ENSO and Sea Surface Temperatures
    El Niño fading and likely to return to neutral state by late autumn of 2003
    Equatorial Pacific SSTs weakened during January
    The El Niño event has peaked and is waning. There was noticeable cooling of SSTs off the South American coast during the month.
    The NINO3 SST anomaly was weaker in January than in December (now +1.1°C), while NINO4 was constant at +1.3°C. Three month (November to January) means are about +1.5°C and 1.4°C for NINO3 and NINO4, respectively.
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    An overview of the present climate in the tropical South Pacific Islands, with an outlook for the coming months, to assist in dissemination of climate information in the Pacific region.
    Number 29 – 7 February 2003
    January’s climate: The decaying El Niño continues to affect Southwest Pacific climate patterns with enhanced convection and above average rainfall over the equatorial regions of Kiribati and Tuvalu.
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    Monthly climate

    Climate developments in January 2003
    El Niño related convection continues in the equatorial region
    Suppressed convection in eastern Pacific, southeast from Papua New Guinea to New Caledonia
    The SPCZ was close to its average position during January, extending southeast from Solomon Islands to Society Islands.
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    Three-month outlook

    Rainfall outlook for February to April 2003
    Above average or average rainfall in equatorial latitudes from west to east and the Solomon Islands trending southeast to Society Islands.
    Below average or average rainfall from Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia, trending east to the Marquesas Islands and Pitcairn Island.
    Near average rainfall likely elsewhere.
    Rainfall is expected to be above average in the equatorial Pacific from west to east due to continuing enhanced convection, resulting in above average rainfall in Western and Eastern Kiribati and the Solomon Islands.
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    Data sources

    Sources of South Pacific rainfall data
    This bulletin is a multi-national project with important collaboration from the following Pacific nations:
    American Samoa
    Cook Islands
    French Polynesia
    New Caledonia
    New Zealand
    Papua New Guinea
    Pitcairn Island
    Solomon Islands
    Requests for Pacific island climate data should be directed to the Meteorological Services concerned.
    This bulletin is made possible with financial support from the New Zealand Agency for International Development (NZAID), Wellington, New Zealand, wi