Climate Summary for November 2008

November 2008: Sunny for most of country, warm and dry in the east
Rainfall: Well below normal in Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago, and below normal in many other places, except in Northland, Taranaki, Tasman, West Coast and coastal Southland.
Temperature: Near or above average for most of the country (particularly eastern South Island), but below average in the western South Island.
Sunshine: Very sunny in the North Island from Waikato south, and in all of the South Island except the Tasman district and the West Coast.
Rainfall was less than 50% of normal (

November 2008: Sunny for most of country, warm and dry in the east

  • Rainfall: Well below normal in Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago, and below normal in many other places, except in Northland, Taranaki, Tasman, West Coast and coastal Southland.
  • Temperature: Near or above average for most of the country (particularly eastern South Island), but below average in the western South Island.
  • Sunshine: Very sunny in the North Island from Waikato south, and in all of the South Island except the Tasman district and the West Coast.

Rainfall was less than 50% of normal (half) in eastern areas of the country (continuing the pattern from October) and between 50 and 80% of normal for the majority of the North Island except Taranaki and Northland. Soil moisture levels in eastern areas and in Waikato are between 30 and 50 mm lower than normal for this time of the year as at the end of November. Double the normal rainfall (200% of normal) for November fell in Tasman (mostly in two days) and 150% of normal rainfall (one and a half times) fell in Northland and the West Coast over the month.

November temperatures were near their average values for most of the North Island and western and southern South Island (between -0.5 and +0.5°C of normal). Manawatu, Wellington, Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago had above average temperatures of more than 0.5°C above normal, with north Canterbury being particularly warm (between 1.5 and 2.0°C warmer than average). Tasman and parts of the West Coast were slightly cooler than average for November. The national average temperature of 14.0°C was 0.3°C above the average for November.

Sunshine totals were above average (more than 110% of normal) for the central and southern North Island and the majority of the South Island except Tasman and the West Coast. Canterbury and parts of Manawatu received well above normal (more than 125% of normal) sunshine for November.

Like September and October, the country experienced relatively few extreme weather events in November, the most significant being the cold snap (bringing snow to some low elevations) from the 5th to the 8th, with record low November temperatures in Fiordland and parts of Otago; northwesterlies bringing record high temperatures on the 14th and 15th in parts of Canterbury and Otago, and the storm on the 24th which resulted in heavy rainfall and flooding in the Tasman district and the West Coast.

The generally more settled weather for November resulted from more frequent ‘highs’ (anticyclones) to the east of the country, extending ridges of high pressure onto the North Island. There were stronger than normal westerly to northwesterly winds over the South Island, and northeasterlies onto the North Island, which contributed to the low rainfalls in the east.

Further Highlights

  • The lowest temperature during November was recorded at Middlemarch on the 8th, where the minimum temperature was -4.6°C. The highest temperature during November was 33.3°C recorded at Waione (Wairarapa) on the 24th.
  • The highest 1-day rainfall for November was 175 mm recorded at Arthurs Pass on the 24th.
  • The highest wind gust for the month was 158 km/hr at Mount Kaukau (Wellington) on the 1st. At the MetService office site in Kelburn the wind gusted to 135 km/hr on the same day (the equal-fourth highest wind gust for November at this location).
  • Of the five main centres, Auckland was the warmest, Wellington was the wettest, and Christchurch was the driest and sunniest.


November rainfall for Otago, Canterbury, Wairarapa, Hawkes Bay and Gisborne was well below normal (less than 50% of normal). It was also drier than normal (between 50 and 80% of normal) for the majority of the North Island except Taranaki and Northland. Above normal rainfall (greater than 150% of normal) for November was received in Northland and the West Coast with greater than 200% of normal rainfall falling in the Tasman district.


Mean temperatures were near average for most of the country but above average for Manawatu, Wellington, Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago. The Tasman district and parts of the West Coast were cooler than average for November.


November totals of bright sunshine were above average (more than 110% of normal) for much of the country from Waikato south, excluding Tasman and the West Coast. Canterbury and parts of Manawatu received well above average (more than 125% of normal) sunshine for the month.

Full report

Climate statistics tables

Climate statistics November 2008

For further information, please contact:

Dr Andrew Tait – Climate Scientist NIWA National Climate Centre – Wellington Phone +64 4 386 0562 Mobile +64 27 327 7948 [email protected]

Dr James Renwick – Principal Scientist NIWA National Climate Centre – Wellington Phone +64 4 386 0343 Mobile +64 21 178 5550 [email protected]

Acknowledgement of NIWA as the source is required.

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