Climate Summary for June 2011

The 3rd-warmest June on record, and very gloomy.

The 3rd-warmest June on record, and very gloomy.

  • Temperatures: The 3rd-warmest June on record. Well above average temperatures in the north and west of both Islands. Near average temperatures in the east and south of the South Island.
  • Sunshine: A gloomy month, with below normal sunshine totals for most regions.
  • Rainfall: Very dry across the majority of the South Island. Rather wet in the northern half of the North Island, as well as Nelson.

It was the 3rd-warmest June on record, using NIWA's seven-station temperature series which began in 1909. Only June 2003 and June 1971 have been warmer. The average temperature in June 2011 was 10.0°C (1.5°C above the 1971–2000 June average). Monthly mean temperatures for June were well above average (at least 1.2°C above June average) across the north and west of both Islands, with several June records broken. Elsewhere in the North Island, mean temperatures were generally above average (between 0.5°C and 1.2°C above June average). In the south and east of the South Island, closer to average temperatures were observed (with temperatures within 0.5°C of June average). Several all-time June temperature records were broken in the North Island and the northern South Island on 5 June, associated with a very mild, northerly airstream brought down from the sub-tropics.

The frequent northeasterly wind flows during June produced a rather gloomy month overall. Sunshine totals were below normal (between 75 and 90 percent of June normal) in most regions of the country. However, around Franz Josef, Taumarunui, and the Central Plateau, sunshine totals were normal or above normal (ranging between 100 and 120 percent of June normal).

It was a very dry month across the majority of the South Island, with rainfall totals typically around half (50 percent) of June normal. Notably, rainfall ranged between 25 and 50 percent of normal in parts of coastal North Canterbury, and throughout South Canterbury and Otago. In contrast, it was rather wet June for the northern half of the North Island, with above normal or well above normal rainfall (at least 120 percent of June normal) in Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Waikato, and Taranaki; as well as in Nelson. For the reminder of the North Island, rainfall totals were below normal (between 50 and 70 percent of June normal).

Further Highlights:

  • The highest temperature recorded was 22.4°C at Whitianga on the 5th (a new June record there).
  • The lowest temperature recorded was -6.7°C at Ranfurly on the 17th.
  • The highest 1-day rainfall experienced was 122 mm, recorded at Milford Sound on the 4th.
  • The highest gust was 165 km/hr recorded at Cape Reinga on the 3rd (the 2nd highest June gust there).
  • Of the six main centres in June 2011, Auckland was the warmest but also the wettest, Dunedin the sunniest and driest, and Christchurch the coldest.

Full report

Full details of the June 2011 climate summary (PDF 54 KB)

Climate statistics table

Climate statistics for June 2011 (PDF 87 KB)

For further information, please contact:

Ms Georgina Griffiths – Climate Scientist– NIWA National Climate Centre, Auckland, Tel. (09) 375 4506 or (027) 293 6545 (mobile)

Dr Andrew Tait – Principal Scientist – NIWA National Climate Centre, Wellington, Tel. (04) 386 0562 or (027) 327 7948 (mobile) 

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