Smelt have a distinctly forked tail and a strong cucumber smell. -
Weather plots: temperature and relative humidity
Objective: to observe the relationship between temperature and relative humidity. -
Mountains in the Sea: the Louisville Seamount Chain
We are currently steaming out towards our survey area, the Louisville Seamount Chain, which is about 1500 km from Wellington. -
Software tools
NIWA develops and supplies custom software for environmental analysis and modelling. -
The climate of the Manawatu-Wanganui region is a reflection of the generally disturbed westerly air flow with interspersed anticyclones, modified in specific places by the local topography. -
Tuna - age and methods of ageing
Currently, the most reliable method to estimate the age of tuna is by examination of their otoliths or "ear bones" -
Al Brown's Hapuku Recipe
Al Brown is an award-winning chef, co-owner of Wellington’s Logan Brown restaurant, television presenter on Hunger for the Wild, writer, and fisherman. -
Aquaculture Activities
Shellfish gathering and farming take place in marine and freshwater environments.