Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Microbes behind unprecedented surge in methane emissions

    Media release
    Microbes - such as those living in wetlands, landfills or the digestive tracts of livestock – are behind unprecedented spikes in methane emissions.
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    Freshwater mitigation systems

    Effective systems to manage contaminant losses
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    New Zealand Reanalysis (NZRA) dataset

    Research Project
    NIWA has produced a high-resolution regional atmospheric reanalysis dataset, the New Zealand Reanalysis (NZRA).
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    Cheers to crustaceans: New species named after Welly brewery

    Media release
    A new species has been named after favourite Wellington brewpub Fork and Brewer
  • Riparian_buffer_cover

    Riparian buffers

    Reducing the flow of nutrients, suspended solids and faecal microbes into waterways by fencing and planting waterways
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    Constructed wetlands

    Building back our wetlands
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    Forecasting floods in a fraction of the time with AI

    Media release
    NIWA is using machine learning to forecast flood inundation in a fraction of the time required to run physical models. 
  • Orchard damage following Cyclone Gabrielle

    Microsites for rapid impact assessment & recovery after Cyclone Gabrielle 

    News article
    The rapid impact assessment tool provides a scenario model framework to rapidly assess natural hazard exposure or impacts.
  • Kiribati sea wall

    Coastal inundation risk in the Pacific

    News article
    Researchers created national sea-level risk profiles for populations, buildings, croplands & infrastructure under present & future climate scenarios.
  • Kaharoa II deck

    Vessel charter

    NIWA Vessels are available for science and industry charter
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    Develop a suite of control tools

    Research aim: Developing a suite of control tools
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    Develop predictive models

    Research aim: Developing predictive models