Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Baring Head Research station and lighthouse on a sunny day

    Baring Head Atmospheric Research Station

    The Baring Head station, which overlooks Cook Strait, has been operating since 1972 and the data collected there makes significant contributions to our global understanding of greenhouse gases.
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    'Seven-station' series temperature data

    Research Project
    NIWA's long-running 'seven-station' series shows NZ's average annual temperature has increased by about 1 °C over the past 100 years.
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    Overview of New Zealand's climate

    Find information about New Zealand's temperature record and climate change in our information and resources section.
  • Gannet colony

    Seasonal Climate Outlook

    Publication series
    Air temperature, rainfall, soil moisture and river flow predictions for the coming season.
  • Online services

    NIWA provides online access to major climate and environmental monitoring systems, databases and forecasting tools.
  • Providing climate change advice for New Zealand

    Regional-scale climate projections assist local authorities to assess risks presented by climate change now and prepare their communities for the future impacts.
  • Ocean gliders

    Using a novel observational platform – ocean gliders—this research will observe and understand subsurface variations in temperature, salinity, oxygen and biological factors in water shallower than 200 metres – what we consider to be the shelf seas.
  • Ngā Waihotanga Iho - The Estuary Monitoring Toolkit

    Software Tool/Resource
    The main purpose of Ngā Waihotanga Iho is to provide tools for the public to measure environmental changes that occur in estuaries over time. These changes may occur due to natural processes and/or human activities.
  • Auckland motorway

    Traffic emissions mapping - black carbon and nitrogen dioxide

    Research Project
    Black carbon, commonly known as soot, is made of microscopic particles generated by incomplete combustion.
  • Aquaculture Nutrition

    Nutrition underpins the performance of fish stocks in terms of health, growth (production) and reproduction.
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  • Total Carbon Column Observing Network

    Research Project
    NIWA participates in the Total Carbon Column Observing Network, a ground-based observing network dedicated to making precise and accurate measurements of greenhouse gas concentrations in different parts of the atmosphere.