Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA)
Compound specific stable isotope analysis techniques are an increasingly useful tool to address many ecological and environmental research questions. -
Algal monitoring service
ServiceBlooms of hazardous cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in rivers, lakes and reservoirs can cause problems for both animal and human health. -
Native forests absorbing more carbon dioxide
Media release06 June 2017New Zealand’s forests and other land areas may be absorbing up to 60% more carbon dioxide than has been calculated, with much of this uptake likely occurring in native forests, NIWA scientists have discovered. -
Scholarships available to both Masters and undergraduate students in the fields of fisheries science and marine biology. -
Rig shark
Research ProjectRig shark is an important inshore commercial fish species in New Zealand, and we need to understand more about their habitats, movements, nursery grounds and vulnerability to human impacts to ensure they are managed sustainably and their productivity is enhanced. -
Yesterday's UV Index
Plots of UV levels throughout the day at different locations. -
Ideas for projects using climate data
Education ResourceIdeas for projects using climate data -
Chemical contamination and mining
What are the potential sources of chemical contamination from mining activities? -
Trace gas datasets
ServiceNIWA makes a range of trace gas data freely available on our FTP site. -
Water resources and mining
How may the activities of the mining industry influence water resources? -
Mitigation and best practice options
Some simple steps to minimise the effects of mining activities on water quality and mahinga kai.