Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Analysis of water quality trends

    NIWA has developed a powerful software tool for the analysis of water quality data.
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    Mitigation and best practice options

    Some simple steps to minimise the effects of aquaculture activities on water quality and mahinga kai.
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    What ails our estuaries - problems and solutions

    Estuaries are at the bottom of the freshwater drainage network and, effectively, are a part of it. This means that every time we act to protect and enhance streams and rivers we are also benefiting the estuary at the downstream end.
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    Giant kōkopu

    The largest member of the Galaxiidae family.
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    Biological limitations

    Identifying biological factors that may be limiting fish numbers requires sampling to ensure that key invertebrate prey species are not scarce and that pest fish, especially predators, are not abundant.
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    Modified habitat

    A habitat is an environment or place where animals normally live.
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    Exploration sector

    Hydrocarbons, although requiring increasingly responsible use, are still an essential part of our modern economy. NIWA has provided survey and consultancy services related to the exploration of offshore mineral resources for thirty years.
  • LakeSPI: Keeping tabs on lake health

    Software Tool/Resource
    Few New Zealand lakes retain their indigenous vegetation, and the condition of many lakes is under threat from land-use changes and the invasion of alien aquatic plants.
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    Climate stations and instruments

    We can supply a wide range of weather or climate monitoring instruments from single parameter sensors to fully equipped and installed climate stations.
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    Impacts of mining

    Impacts of mining on water quality and mahinga kai.
  • RV Tangaroa in Antarctica

    Our partners & funders

    NIWA has working relationships with hundreds of organisations in New Zealand and overseas.
  • Tropical Cyclone Hamish

    Southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone Outlook

    Publication series
    A summary of up-coming tropical cyclone seasons, issued 6-monthly.