NIWA’s Estuarine Trophic Index
Research ProjectConstructed wetlands, detention bunds, woodchip denitrification filters and planted riparian buffers are examples of a growing suite of edge-of-field and farm-scale mitigation systems that are being trialled across rural New Zealand to reduce the impact of diffuse pollution on freshwater quality -
Weather and climate forecasting data services
We can deliver forecasts using API, GIS and web interfaces, all underpinned by our data analytics expertise. -
Ways you can access our meteorologists
Specialist services to ensure that one of our experts is available to you anytime, and that we completely understand your requirements to develop bespoke products and services. -
NIWA Forecast: dedicated forecasting software
NIWA Forecast is NIWA’s dedicated environmental forecasting and information software. -
Freshwater species show vulnerability to climate change
Media release15 September 2020A new study has identified seven freshwater species native to Aotearoa-New Zealand that will likely be highly or very highly vulnerable to climate change. -
2020 - Hoki eggs survey
VoyageHoki is New Zealand's largest finfish fishery. During this voyage, hoki eggs reveal a few secrets that surprise scientists. -
NIWA scientists make salmon farming breakthrough
Media release09 September 2020NIWA scientists have made a breakthrough that may underpin expansion of the high-value New Zealand salmon farming industry. -
The Cylc Suite Engine
Cylc: a general purpose workflow engine that orchestrates cycling workflows very efficiently. -
2020 - Separation Point nursery
VoyageNIWA researchers are heading out from Tasman early next week to survey an area thought to be home to important juvenile fish nurseries. -
Serious games as a tool to engage people
ServiceNIWA is using serious games to look at problems holistically, support understanding and give a framework for adaptation decisions.