Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Hotspot Watch 4 December 2020

    Significant rainfall amounts of 30-70 mm occurred in western Waikato, Taranaki, Wairoa District, and Wellington, during the past week, with a few locations in these areas receiving up to 100 mm.
  • 2020 in top 10 warmest years for New Zealand

    Media release
    This year is on track to be one of New Zealand’s top 10 warmest on record, according to NIWA forecasters.
  • Crayfish catch sampling

    Marine ecology technician Mark Fenwick takes us onboard a fishing vessel for a day of catch sampling.
  • Hotspot Watch 27 November 2020

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.
  • Eutrophication Explorer

    A web application tool to explore monitoring data and model predictions related to stream and estuary eutrophication
  • Fiordland air sharing secrets with scientist

    Media release
    Peter Sperlich needs a strong south-westerly and a cast iron stomach for his next scientific mission.
  • 2020_08_HOKI EXPERIMENTAL TAN2008_mackay_DSC7563-min

    2020 - Subantarctic survey

    This month-long fisheries trawl survey on the RV Tangaroa, aims to estimate the relative abundance of hoki, hake, ling and other middle depth fish species in the Southland and subantarctic areas.
  • Hotspot Watch 19 November 2020

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent. Regions experiencing significant soil moisture deficits are deemed “hotspots”. Persistent hotspot regions have the potential to develop into drought.
  • Kaikōura Canyon

    Our team of researchers have recently returned from a voyage onboard RV Tangaroa to retrieve moorings deployed to collect sediment samples from the Kaikōura Canyon.
  • Marine heatwave conditions forming: NIWA

    Media release
    NIWA forecasters say a marine heatwave is forming around parts of New Zealand after sea surface temperatures (SSTs) warmed considerably last month.
  • Hotspot Watch 12 November 2020

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent. Regions experiencing significant soil moisture deficits are deemed “hotspots”. Persistent hotspot regions have the potential to develop into drought.
  • Chance find leads to first look at coral larvae

    Media release
    Small orange flecks spotted floating around in a respiration chamber at a NIWA laboratory have led to a discovery about the spawning habits of a deep-sea stony coral in New Zealand waters.