Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Journey under the ice - with Peter Marriott

    Chill-proofed divers plunge in the Ross sea, Antarctica.
  • A multi-coring device used to take seabed samples in Kaikōura Canyon is brought back aboard NIWA research vessel Tangaroa. 

    2020 - Kaikōura canyons

    The 2020 voyage provided an opportunity to progress ongoing studies into the ecological and sedimentological impact and recovery following the 2016 Kaikōura Earthquake.
  • Hotspot Watch 16 October 2020

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent. Regions experiencing significant soil moisture deficits are deemed “hotspots”. Persistent hotspot regions have the potential to develop into drought.
  • Rare underwater find for NIWA photographer

    Media release
    A NIWA marine ecologist has added his name to a very short list of people worldwide who have seen—and photographed the elusive football octopus.
  • NIWA staff photography competition 2020

  • Tour of the NIWA invertebrate collection

    The NIWA Invertebrate Collection (NIC) holds specimens from almost all invertebrate phyla.
  • Critter of the deep - Episode 2: A little Antarctic octopus

    This really cute little octopus is from cold Antarctic waters.
  • Critter of the deep - Episode 1: Secrets of the Ram's horn squid

    Have you ever seen these shells on the beach?
  • 2020 - Argo floats deployment

    The crew of NIWA research vessel Kaharoa spent 75 nights at sea.
  • 2020 - Snapper survey

    Scientists are conducting snapper research off North Island’s west coast.
  • Ashley Rowden and Katie Bigham - Marine ecologists

    Ashley Rowden and Katie Bigham talk about the positive changes observed on the seafloor following the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake.
  • Hotspot Watch 8 October 2020

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent. Regions experiencing significant soil moisture deficits are deemed “hotspots”. Persistent hotspot regions have the potential to develop into drought.