Maintenance & Cleaning
While in use it is best to clean the diffuser on a daily base with a piece of dry cotton. This to wipe of any dirt, dust, snow etc. If the diffuser for some reason gets really dirty it is recommendable to clean it with water and soap or alcohol. Dust inside the diffuser can be removed with a cotton bud.
Info, questions and remarks, contact:
Richard McKenzie [ [email protected] ] -
Instrumentation at NIWA Lauder
FacilityThere is a wide range of instruments at Lauder, which are listed on this page. -
Trimble RTK GPS systems
NIWA uses Trimble RTK GPS surveying equipment to undertake precise topographic and bathymetric surveys. These surveys are used to measure beach stability, river bed erosion and deposition, and to make digital terrain models of rivers for 2-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling. -
Mass of Seawater = w(sw) [kg]
Volume of Manometer = Vman [cm3]
Manometer Temperature = T [°C]
Manometer Pressure = Pfinal [Pa]
Pressure transducer zero = Po [Pa]
Universal Gas Constant = R = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1
Virial Co-efficient B(CO2) [cm3 mol-1] B = 1636.75+(12.0408*(T+273.16))-(0.0327957*(T+273.16)2)+(0.0000316528*(T+273.16)3)
Vm(CO2 at manometer T and P) [m3] – calculate iteratively, initial Vm = 0.22264 =R*(T+273.16)/((Pfinal - Po))*(1+(B*0.000001/Vm))
CT -
Alice: an Instrumented Tripod
Alice is an instrument package for measuring bottom-boundary-layer processes in estuaries and the ocean. It consists of a self-ballasted tripod upon which is mounted a "core" sensor package for measuring boundary-layer currents, turbulence and waves. Alice is principally rigged for sediment-transport studies (with optical and acoustic backscatter sensors, sediment traps and a pump sampler) but has also been used extensively in studies of boundary-layer mechanics, animal–flow–sediment interactions, wave dynamics and nutrient/gas fluxes. -
Flow Cytometer
NIWA's Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur flow cytometer supports a wide range of research and commercial applications. -
Benthic Ecology Video Information System
BEVIS has been developed for rapid, cost-effective seafloor habitat surveys. Sled-borne cameras are monitored and controlled from the surface, affording investigation at depths where using divers to collect video data or macrobenthic cores would be impractical or impossible. -
Computerised Research Echo Sounder Technology (CREST)
Our Computerised Research Echo Sounder Technology (CREST) is a highly adaptable approach to fisheries and other acoustic data acquisition. -
Estuaries publications
Where an online version is not available, a PDF is provided. Use your browser’s Back button to return to this page.
Bell, R.; Green, M.; Hume, T.; Gorman, R. (2000). What regulates sedimentation in estuaries? Water & Atmosphere 8(4): 13–16.
Davies-Colley, R.; Nagels, J.; Donnison, A.; Muirhead, R. (2004). Flood flushing of bugs in agricultural streams. Water & Atmosphere 12(2): 18–20.
Green, M. (2003.) The dance of the turbid fringe. Water & Atmosphere 11(2): 20–21.
Green, M.; Ellis, J.; Schwarz, A.-M.; Lind, D.; Bluck, B. (2003). -
Resource Management Act
The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) dictates how we are to manage our physical environment, including the coast and estuaries. -
A model is a representation of a “real thing”. Usually, the model is simpler in some or many ways than the real thing; the model simulates the behaviour of the real thing; and the model can be used to predict the future behaviour of the real thing.