LakeSPI outputs
LakeSPI (pronounced ‘Lake Spy’) provides a quick and cost-effective tool for monitoring lake condition. -
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I get a copy of the MEC?
Ministry for the Environment (MfE) has distributed copies of the MEC to all levels of national and local government, as well as to government departments and agencies. If you work for one of those agencies, then you will have a copy; check with your IT department. Otherwise, copies of the DVD can be obtained from Kirsty Johnston at MfE ([email protected]).
2. What are the system requirements for the MEC?
The MEC is delivered as GIS layers in ESRI shapefile and grid format. -
Marine Environment Classification
ServiceThe Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes. -
Quick-guides to freshwater flora and fauna
These guides are designed for rapid identification of freshwater flora and fauna, usually to the generic level, for use in biomonitoring. -
Invasive sea squirt (Styela clava) fact sheet
Styela clava at Viaduct Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand. -
What you can do
The first line of defense in the fight against aquatic weed invasions is public awareness and the ability to tackle weeds before they get out of hand – at the first sign of a new plant, rather than a total infestation. -
Aquatic plant overview, weed management options & freshwater plant ID guides.