Winter in Queenstown
In a meaningful context, students will be able to explain the meaning of negative numbers, sketch and interpret graphs which represent everyday situations and make statements about time-related variation. -
What's up with the weather?
The graphs to the right show the maximum and minimum temperatures for December in Rotorua and Wellington. -
Background on traditional and modern use of tau koura
Tau koura was the favourite traditional fishing method for harvesting lake koura and involved resting bundles of bracken fern fronds on the lake bed for koura to take refuge in and then retrieving the bundles into a canoe to harvest the koura. -
Monitoring koura
New Zealand lakes and ponds often have large populations of koura or freshwater crayfish. -
How to use this key
Running the key
Install the Lucid Player
This key has been built with the Lucid Builder and you need the Lucid Player installed on your computer to be able to use the key. The standard edition is a free download from LucidCentral. Please use version 2.2 or later – there are some problems with earlier versions that will affect the usability of this key.
Download the key
Once you have the Player installed, you will need to get a copy of the key you wish to play. -
How to use this key Running the key
Install the Lucid Player This key has been built with the Lucid Builder and you need the Lucid Player installed on your computer to be able to use the key. The standard edition is a free download from LucidCentral. Please use version 2.2 or later – there are some problems with earlier versions that will affect the usability of this key. Download the key Once you have the Player installed, you will need to get a copy of the key you wish to play.