Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

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    Scientist turns detective on NZ temperature records

    News article
    A NIWA climate scientist is awaiting a ruling from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) on whether New Zealand’s coldest recorded temperature will be accepted as an official world weather extreme.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch 28 November 2014

    Weekly update to help media assess likelihood of extremely dry weather preceding a drought.
  • Critter of the Week: the brightly coloured and aptly named clown nudibranch, Ceratosoma amoenum.

    This week’s critter, found from the northern part of New Zealand to southern Australia, is the brightly coloured and aptly named clown nudibranch, Ceratosoma amoenum.
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    Penguin census reveals drop in numbers

    News article
    The plight of the penguins of Penguin Bay has attracted the interest of scientists who are studying why there are fewer and fewer of them every year.
  • Scientists celebrate 60 years of radiocarbon measurements

    News article
    Scientists will next month celebrate the diamond anniversary of the world’s longest continuous record of atmospheric radiocarbon measurements.
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    This week's grumpy crab Critter is the New Zealand vent crab Gandalfus puia

    We would probably be grumpy too if we didn’t have any eyes, however, in the deep sea, where there is very little light many organisms have lost the ability to see altogether.
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    Climate change freshwater impacts assessments

    New Zealand’s climate is changing – and so are our freshwaters.
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    Critter of the Week: the lace coral Bountyella morgani

    This week’s critter will forever have a special link with NIWA CEO John Morgan.
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    Water & Atmosphere 11, November 2014

    The November issue of NIWA's flagship publication, Water & Atmosphere (the water issue), is now out. Read it here.
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    Scientists make rare find in Auckland streams

    News article
    NIWA and Auckland Council freshwater scientists using fish pheromone samplers have made a rare discovery in two Auckland streams.
  • CHES - smarter use of New Zealand’s river waters

    CHES (Cumulative Hydrological Effects Simulator) software tool predicts how water flows in a catchment will change with multiple water uses (e.g. direct abstractions or storage reservoirs) and what the consequences will be to in-stream ecosystems and reliability of water-take.
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    Critter of the Week : the venus flower baskets Euplectellidae

    An animal entirely made out of glass? We don’t have to go to an alien world for this but just have to look deep into our oceans.