Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

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    NIWA Invertebrate Collection specimen loan - tissue request form

    Request form
  • BLOG: Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Blake Hornblow - tracking blue whales

    We have now said goodbye to the towering cliffs and vast glaciers of the Balleny Islands and have been heading southeast tracking blue whales by following their low frequency calls. Yesterday we broke into the polynya that is the Ross Sea. The fantastic weather is following us - making it easy to appreciate this surreal part of the world.
  • Critter of the Week: the newly discovered giant Foraminifera

    A new foraminiferan has been discovered in moderately deep water (110 metres) northwest of the Bay of Islands in New Zealand.
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    NIWA's Hotspot Watch

    Weekly update to help media assess likelihood of extremely dry weather preceding a drought. Regions experiencing severely to extremely drier than normal soils conditions are deemed “hotspots”.
  • Balleny Islands humpback research success

    Media release
    The first objective of the New Zealand- Australia Antarctic Ecosystems Voyage was successfully achieved with the completion of the research at the Balleny Islands.
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    BLOG: Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Zac Penman - the Balleny Islands

    It’s now day 8 at sea and day 3 at the Balleny Islands. The Balleny Islands are a group of volcanic Antarctic Islands situated at 67 degrees south. They are mostly barren rock, with steep cliff faces and covered by massive glaciers, but they are also home to some incredible marine wildlife!
  • Critter of the Week: Epimeria larsi, jewels of the deep

    This hot pink gem is Epimeria larsi Lörz, 2009 described by our very own amphipod expert Anne-Nina Lörz and named after her husband Lars!
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    BLOG: Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Blake Hornblow - passage into Antarctic waters

    On day five at 9:07 am we all held our breath as we passed 60 degrees south.
  • Icebergs ahead; Tangaroa enters Antarctic waters

    News article
    Scientists and crew on board Tangaroa are getting their first taste of the deep South’s breath-taking environment as the vessel crosses the 60th parallel, the northern limit of the Southern Ocean.
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    New study confirms world's oceans are warming

    Media release
    An international team of oceanographers, including NIWA’s Dr Philip Sutton, has analysed data from ocean-profiling instruments known as Argo floats and found the temperature of the world’s oceans increased steadily between 2006 and 2013.
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    Voyage update - Richard O'Driscoll live from Antarctica

    News article
    Voyage leader Richard O'Driscoll reports on voyage progress so far as RV Tangaroa enters the CCAMLR zone.
  • BLOG: Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Zac Penman - acclimatising to life at sea

    It’s day three at sea and things are all humming along nicely. We’ve just passed 50 degrees south and any faint sighting of the mainland is long gone. The next time we will see land will probably be the Balleny Islands in a couple of days.