NIWA's Hotspot Watch 10 March 2015
Hotspot10 March 2015Weekly update to help media assess likelihood of extremely dry weather preceding a drought. Regions experiencing severely to extremely drier than normal soils conditions are deemed “hotspots”. -
BLOG: Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Blake Hornblow - leaving the polar zone
Blog09 March 2015Our journey is slowly coming to an end. The past five weeks has passed so quickly and I have loved every moment of it. -
Little wonder - the ocean’s primary productivity
News article06 March 2015At the base of the ocean’s food chain are algae. Algae feed the krill that feed the whales. -
BLOG: Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Zac Penman - final days
Blog06 March 2015Today marked the last official day of science here in the Ross Sea. The ship has now been turned north and the 8 day steam back to Wellington has begun. -
Critter of the Week: The mottled brittlestar – Ophionereis fasciata Hutton, 1872
The mottled brittle star Ophionereis fasciata, known as weki huna in Māori, lives under rocks in the low intertidal or shallow subtidal right around New Zealand. -
SAFE PASSAGE: Ice Pilot’s critical mission
Ice pilot Scott Laughlin is on the New Zealand - Australia Antarctic Ecosystems Voyage to guide RV Tangaroa through the Antarctic waters. -
Safe passage: Ice Pilot's critical mission
News article03 March 2015A research voyage in Antarctic waters faces the tyranny of distance and ice during every hour of the six-week voyage. -
NELSON MAIL: Blue Lake a New Zealand treasure
Media release03 March 2015Water in the Blue Lake is the clearest freshwater ever reported. -
Oysters ahead: Bluff season begins
Media release02 March 2015Each March, oyster lovers descend on the catch of Bluff’s best bivalves – a seasonal delicacy from one of the last remaining wild oyster fisheries on the planet. -
Homeward bound
Blog02 March 2015In his last update, NIWA project leader Dr Richard O’Driscoll talks about the challenging search for whales in foggy and icy conditions. -
Underwater glider touches down in Wellington
News article01 March 2015A state-of-the-art underwater research glider has been unveiled by NIWA scientists in Wellington. -
Flood Warning for Nadi
Serious flooding often causes major problems for those living near the Nadi river basin in Fiji.