Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Native forests absorbing more carbon dioxide

    Media release
    New Zealand’s forests and other land areas may be absorbing up to 60% more carbon dioxide than has been calculated, with much of this uptake likely occurring in native forests, NIWA scientists have discovered.
  • Southwest Pacific climate

    Our southwest Pacific research focuses on recent and historic climate and weather activity, including our involvement in ACRE Pacific data rescue.
  • PARTneR (Pacific Risk Tool for Resilience)

    Research Project
    Understanding how hazards impact people and the environment provides the foundation for informed decision making for a resilient Pacific.
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    Forestry activities

    Forest plantations in Aotearoa can be found on flat, gently rolling, or very steep terrain.
  • UV Index at Leigh - 17 October 2023

    Today's UV Index

    Today's UV Index
  • Kaitiaki Tools

    Easing the resource consent process
  • What is Kaitiaki Tools?

    Kaitiaki Tools is a guide to teach people (especially hapū and iwi groups) who manage the resource consent process.
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    Water Level Instruments

    There are different types of instrument available for measuring water level.
  • Dry stock

    Dry stock farming consists predominantly of pasture grazing beef cattle, sheep, and deer for meat, wool, and velvet production.
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    Stormwater - an introduction

    Stormwater is a major concern for New Zealand because of its potential effects on the ecological health of our urban streams and coastal waters, as well as on the economic, social and cultural value of these environments.
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    Mean relative humidity

    You can download these summaries in a range of formats.
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    Seafood sector

    NIWA's seafood sector work comprises our fish, fisheries and aquaculture research and consultancy.