Dairy turns the corner
Feature story11 June 2017NIWA's Freshwater and Estuaries Chief Scientist Dr John Quinn believes the dairy industry has been responsive in the tools it has adopted to reduce its impact on waterways. -
New Zealand joins global seabed mapping initiative
News article09 June 2017New Zealand joins global seabed mapping initiative -
NIWA invests $18 million in New Zealand’s future
Media release08 June 2017NIWA is placing the future of New Zealanders at the heart of its operation by investing in new supercomputers that will significantly enhance scientists’ abilities to solve crucial issues facing the country. -
Scientists eavesdrop on endangered dolphins
News article07 June 2017The critically endangered Māui dolphin is getting a helping hand from scientists this month who are beginning a year-long research project to listen in on them. -
Education ResourceDefining drought and identifying its causes and impacts on humans. -
Yesterday's UV Index
Plots of UV levels throughout the day at different locations. -
QGIS is a free, open source, desktop mapping tool, widely used in New Zealand in government, research, commercial and NGO arenas. -
Instream barriers and altered water flow
Instream barriers and diversions alter the natural flow of rivers, streams, and lakes. -
Mitigation and best practice options
Some simple steps to minimise the effects of aquaculture activities on water quality and mahinga kai. -
Biological limitations
Identifying biological factors that may be limiting fish numbers requires sampling to ensure that key invertebrate prey species are not scarce and that pest fish, especially predators, are not abundant. -
RV Kaharoa
FacilityKaharoa is capable of working throughout New Zealand's EEZ and further afield.