Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

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    Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI)

    The Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) is a simple measure of drought (and also of very wet conditions) and is based solely on the accumulated precipitation for a given time period.
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    Estimated bycatch

    View data that show reported target catch and estimated bycatch.
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    Mitigation and best practice options

    Some simple steps to minimise the effects of mining activities on water quality and mahinga kai.
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    Mean number of days of ground frost

    These datasets are available in a range of formats.
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    New Zealand bathymetry - Further information

    Technical information about our datasets and methodology along with related resources.
  • The impact of El Niño and La Niña on New Zealand's climate

    El Niño accounts for less than 25 percent of the year-to year variance in seasonal rainfall and temperature at most locations in New Zealand, however its effects can be significant.
  • Regional climatologies

    A regional climatology is a summary of the typical weather and climate of a region, based on historical data observations made at climate stations located within the region.
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    Smelt have a distinctly forked tail and a strong cucumber smell.
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    Map N South

    Education Resource
    As much of this climate zone is sheltered by high country to the west, south and in some areas to the east, it is the sunniest region of New Zealand.
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    Al Brown's Hapuku Recipe

    Al Brown is an award-winning chef, co-owner of Wellington’s Logan Brown restaurant, television presenter on Hunger for the Wild, writer, and fisherman.
  • The process

    The process of coming to work with us has five steps: applying, a phone interview, a face to face interview, background checks, and an offer.