On-Site Household Sanitation Guidelines for Fiji
Research ProjectThe WASH Koro project Mobilising community-led water supply, sanitation and hygiene improvements in Fijian villages is a collaborative participatory project that aims to provide self-help tools to mobilise communities to recognise and address their own water supply, sanitation and health/hygiene needs. -
Water resources and mining
How may the activities of the mining industry influence water resources? -
Restoration and enhancement of piharau / kanakana / lamprey
Research ProjectNIWA is leading a new six-year research project that seeks to increase our understanding of piharau/kanakana/lamprey, using Mātauranga Māori, social science and biophysical science approaches. -
Taonga Species Series: Pātiki
Feature story06 June 2017What does science tell us about New Zealand flounder? -
Submerged plants as bio-indicators
Submerged plants have a number of advantages that favour their use as indicators of lake ecological condition. -
Forestry activities
Forest plantations in Aotearoa can be found on flat, gently rolling, or very steep terrain. -
Guidelines for sampling freshwater fisheries
We have prepared a breakdown of the different guidelines that are available for sampling freshwater fisheries. The overview provides links to key documents that explain what should be considered when designing fish monitoring studies and how to implement the various sampling techniques. -
Grey mullet have a worldwide distribution and Aotearoa is at the southern limit of their range. -
SHMAK water quality – visual clarity
There are two methods to determine visual clarity in SHMAK; the clarity tube (or SHMAK tube) and the black disc method. -
Tuna information resource
Tuna, or freshwater eels, are the most widespread freshwater fish in New Zealand. This 'living' educational resource summarises a large amount of scientific and technical literature.