Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Activity two: Climate change – up close and personal

    Education Resource
    As ‘climate journalists’, students will research a recent significant local or national climate related event.
  • Activity one: You and climate change

    Education Resource
    In this activity, students will determine the potential personal impacts of climate change on things that are important to them.
  • Introduction: Climate change adaptation and flooding serious game

    Education Resource
    In this lesson, you will play NIWA’s online serious game, My coastal futures.
  • Learning intentions, success criteria and background knowledge

    Education Resource
    This page outlines specific learning intentions, success criteria and key climate change background knowledge for these teaching resources.
  • Investigating ecological impacts on freshwater insects from LED streetlight conversions

    Research Project
    Many New Zealand cities and towns have switched over to modern LED street lighting. The move will save on operational costs, but little is known what impact artificial streetlights have on flying freshwater insects which are integral to our waterway ecosystems. NIWA investigated the likely impact as part of a four-year MBIE-funded Smart Idea project.
  • "Exceptional" August atmospheric river sets record

    Media release
    NIWA meteorologists say last week’s atmospheric river (AR), which was responsible for widespread devastation in both the North and South Islands, was a record-breaker.
  • Resources

    Guides and other tools
  • (no image provided)

    Ocean services

    How can we help you?
  • Working with Animals at NIWA

    We aim to deliver the science that enables New Zealand to meet its environmental challenges and thrive in a rapidly changing world. To fulfil our purpose we need to understand the way animals live and survive as vital parts of the overall ecosystem.
  • 2020 Australian wildfires reveal significant hole in our understanding of ozone

    Media release
    Smoke from the devastating Australian wildfires impacted the atmosphere in a way that’s never been seen before.
  • (no image provided)

    Explainer: Uncertainties in flood risk assessments

    Research Project
    University of Canterbury’s Professor Matthew Wilson, one of the Mā te haumaru ō te wai research team, gives us some insight on
  • IrriSET - Irrigation Strategy Evaluation Tool

    IrriSET helps farmers to understand the economic viability and environmental efficiency of various irrigation strategies and prioritise their irrigation investments.