Northland Aquaculture Centre
NIWA is leading the sustainable growth of Aotearoa New Zealand's aquaculture industry. -
Reducing COVID-19 transmission through increased ventilation
Research ProjectFunded by the Ministry of Health, NIWA air quality researchers are carrying out research to understand ventilation behaviour and examine how well spaces used by our most vulnerable populations are, and could be, ventilated. -
Satellites reveal NZ’s coastal health
Media release21 September 2022For the first time, satellites have been used to track coastal water health around Aotearoa New Zealand. -
Identifying rip currents using artificial intelligence
Research ProjectNIWA and Surf Life Saving New Zealand are working together to develop a state-of-the-art, rip current identification tool underpinned by artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning technologies. -
Activity four: Adapting to change
Education ResourceStudents will explore possible adaptation options using the criteria of cost, ease, timeliness, and any limitations, including uncertainty. -
Activity five: Planning for uncertainty
Education ResourceStudents will apply understanding gained from previous activities and will engage in the uncertainty of climate change and its implications. -
Activity three: Predicting the unpredictable – future climate effects
Education ResourceBuilding on their knowledge of the local climate and any recent events, students explore predicted impacts of climate change.