Critter of the week: Hyalinoecia quill worms - Big rig truckers of the sea
In this critter "quill" is not part of a feather but rather a unique tube built by a polychaete worm that lives in it. -
Recording underwater biodiversity after earthquakes
NIWA's Hotspot Watch for 2 March 2017
Hotspot02 March 2017A weekly update describing soil moisture across the country to help assess whether severely to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent. -
Wellington's summer was bad, but not as bad as you think—honest
Media release27 February 2017Summer officially ends tomorrow but for Wellingtonians it feels like it’s only just getting started. NIWA meteorologist Ben Noll explains what went wrong. -
Massive mudslides in Kaikōura Canyon destroy seabed life
Media release27 February 2017Huge mudslides from November’s earthquakes have wiped out all organisms living in the seabed of the Kaikōura Canyon. -
Hotspot Watch for 23 Feb 2017
Hotspot23 February 2017A weekly update describing soil moisture across the country to help assess whether severely to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent. -
Earthquake’s Unseen Impact
NIWA scientists on board RV Ikatere have been surveying the coastal area around Kaikoura for the first time since November's magnitude 7.8 earthquake. -
World-leading climate change research
News article23 February 2017Effects of climate change on fish are being studied at NIWA's Northland Marine Research Centre. -
Sustaining the sea
Feature story22 February 2017We examine how the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge plans to enhance the use of marine resources within biological constraints. -
Muddy sinks
Feature story22 February 2017New Zealand’s mangrove swamps and coastal marshes may be particularly adept at absorbing and storing the carbon we emit. -
NIWA's Hotspot Watch for 17 February
Hotspot17 February 2017A weekly update describing soil moisture across the country to help assess whether severely to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.