Hapū joins forces with NIWA in tuna research
Feature story20 June 2017Local hapū and NIWA are working together to find out more about juvenile freshwater eels or tuna in streams connecting to the Wairua River in the Wairoa catchment in Northland. -
Erica Williams - Where the water is clean
Feature story20 June 2017Erica Williams' story starts with the website of Moerewa School, where pupil Tyra-Lee explains her connection to a very special place in her small Far North town. -
Tuna - customary fisheries
Māori have an extensive knowledge of the ecology of freshwater eels, and have maintained their customary fisheries for several centuries. -
Dry stock farming activities
Dry stock farms can cover large areas of hill-country grassland that may be steep and prone to erosion. -
Tuna - commercial fisheries
Commercial eel fishery in New Zealand began in earnest in the 1960s and expanded rapidly until the early 1970s -
Tuna - recreational fisheries
The majority of New Zealanders are able to recall a story about catching eels when they were children. -
Restoration and enhancement of piharau / kanakana / lamprey
Research ProjectNIWA is leading a new six-year research project that seeks to increase our understanding of piharau/kanakana/lamprey, using Mātauranga Māori, social science and biophysical science approaches. -
Tuna - solutions: upstream passage for elvers at large barriers
The need to provide upstream passage facilities for ensuring the long term sustainability of migratory freshwater fish populations is now well recognised. -
Tuna information resource
Tuna, or freshwater eels, are the most widespread freshwater fish in New Zealand. This 'living' educational resource summarises a large amount of scientific and technical literature. -
Lake Ōmāpere and the Utakura River
Tuna harvested from Lake Ōmāpere and Utakura River catchment have long comprised an important fishery for tangata whenua.