
We provide public information on river, lake, and groundwater conditions across New Zealand including freshwater quantity and quality.

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    Instream barriers and energy

    How do instream barriers as a result of energy generation activities potentially influence water resources?
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    Infectious substances, meat and dairy

    What are the sources of infectious substances from the meat and dairy processing industry?
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    Infectious substances and urbanisation

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    Infectious substances and agriculture

    What are the sources of infectious substances from agriculture?
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    Water resources, meat and dairy

    How may the activities of the meat and dairy processing industry impact water resources?
  • Chemical contamination, meat and dairy

    What are the potential sources of chemical contamination from meat and dairy processing facilities?
  • Nutrients, meat and dairy

    What are the potential sources of nutrients from the meat and dairy processing industry?
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    Water resources and wood processing

    How do wood processing activities potentially influence water flows?
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    Nutrients and wood processing

    What are the potential sources of nutrients from wood processing activities?
  • Nutrients and aquaculture

    What are the potential sources of nutrients from aquaculture activities?
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    Sediments and aquaculture

    How can aquaculture activities influence sediments in waterways?
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    Instream barriers and urbanisation

    How do instream barriers as a result of urbanisation influence water resources?