Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch for 7 February 2019

    Across the North Island, soil moisture levels decreased nearly everywhere during the past week. In the South Island, soil moisture levels decreased during the past week with meagre rainfall in the north and east.
  • They were defrosting leopard seal won't believe what happened next!

    News article
    For more than a year a frozen slab of leopard seal poo sat in a NIWA freezer. The poo, known scientifically as scat and about the size of two bread rolls, is as good as gold for leopard seal researchers.
  • Mitigating ocean acidification to protect mussels

  • Voyage Update 5: sampling rattails and exploring vulnerable coral habitats in the MPA

    3 February 2019. By Voyage Leader Dr Richard O'Driscoll.
  • The heatwave in numbers

    Media release
    NIWA has crunched the data on this week’s heatwave and come up with the following record breakers
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch for 31 January 2019

    Areas deemed hotspots have expanded significantly during the past week in the North Island, while in the South Island the previous hotspot encompassing Nelson and nearby portions of Tasman has continued to strengthen during the past week.
  • Māori carvers head to Antarctica

    Media release
    Two Māori carvers head to Antarctica next week to complete and install a traditional carving at Scott Base, New Zealand’s headquarters on the ice.
  • Voyage Update 4: Toothfish habitat in and out of the MPA

    29 January 2019. By Voyage Leader Dr Richard O'Driscoll.
  • Voyage Update 3: Phytoplankton producers powering the world

    23 January 2019. By Voyage Leader Dr Richard O'Driscoll.
  • Scientists confirm warming seas around New Zealand

    Media release
    The water in the New Zealand region is significantly warmer than it was 30 years ago, and all indications are the warming trend will continue, says a NIWA scientist.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch for 23 January 2019

    The previous hotspot in the Far North dissipated around the Aupouri Peninsula in the past week, but has spread south into northern Whangarei and Kaipara districts. The current hotspot in Tasman could strengthen in the next week, while central Canterbury may see a new hotspot form in the coming week.
  • RV Tangaroa working in the Ross Sea, Antarctica.

    Ross Sea Environment and Ecosystem Voyage 2019

    From 8 Jan - 27 Feb 2019, RV Tangaroa undertook a six-week research voyage to Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.