DSS for setting turbidity limits at base flows
DSS for setting turbidity limits at base flows -
DSS for setting turbidity limits at peak flows
DSS for setting turbidity limits at peak flows -
Plankton biodiversity in the Southern Ocean
Research ProjectNIWA is conducting a five–year study to map changes in the distribution of plankton species in surface waters between New Zealand and the Ross Sea. -
Predicting long-term contaminant accumulation in the central Waitemata and southeastern Manukau Harbours
Research ProjectThis project was undertaken for Auckland Regional Council to identify significant sources of contaminants in the central Waitemata and southeastern Manukau Harbours. -
Stocktake of diffuse pollution attenuation tools for New Zealand pastoral farming systems
Estimating deposited fine sediment
Quorer: a simple method for estimating deposited fine sediment -
Setting maximum turbidity levels for riverine fish (DSS)
NIWA research has established turbidity limits to protect fish in New Zealand rivers. -
Freshwater management tools
Some of the useful methods, guidelines and modelling tools we've developed to assist with management of freshwaters. -
Freshwater species and habitat management
Find out how we can help you with freshwater species and habitat management.