Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Snowline survey

    How do we observe and monitor the climate?

    Education Resource
    Helping you understand the science of climate change. The things we can do to combat climate change, individually, and alongside our whānau, school and community, can and will make a difference.
  • Tamaki Drive, Auckland

    Climate change and possible impacts for New Zealand

    Education Resource
    Helping you understand the science of climate change. The things we can do to combat climate change, individually, and alongside our whānau, school and community, can and will make a difference.
  • Crustacean celebrities of Aotearoa on display at Te Papa

    Media release
    Crabs, shrimps, lobsters, barnacles, slaters and other crustaceans are the stars of a new mini exhibition presented by NIWA and Te Papa.
  • Baring Head

    Climate change: the science

    Education Resource
    Helping you understand the science of climate change. The things we can do to combat climate change, individually, and alongside our whānau, school and community, can and will make a difference.
  • Raglan Wharf

    Climate change projections: How do scientists predict our future climate?

    Education Resource
    Helping you understand the science of climate change. The things we can do to combat climate change, individually, and alongside our whānau, school and community, can and will make a difference.
  • Antarctica

    Antarctica and the climate

    Education Resource
    This icy continent plays a big part in our global climate and, in turn, is directly affected by changes to the global climate – making Antarctica and the climate inextricably linked.
  • Rangiora cattle

    Climate change and agriculture

    Education Resource
    Helping you understand the science of climate change. The things we can do to combat climate change, individually, and alongside our whānau, school and community, can and will make a difference.
  • Stop bank along the Hutt River.

    Adapting to climate change

    Education Resource
    Helping you understand the science of climate change. The things we can do to combat climate change, individually, and alongside our whānau, school and community, can and will make a difference.
  • Air quality project with Alexandra primary school

    Air quality in Arrowtown - 2019 Arrowtown School project

    NIWA worked with Year 8 students at Arrowtown School to analyse, visualise and communicate air quality data.
  • Arrowtown, NZ

    Air quality in Arrowtown - 2019 results

    Read a summary of results and download our full report on 2019 outdoor air quality.
  • Baring Head

    Greenhouse gas analyses

    NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 30 years.
  • Te_Kuwaha_banner

    Te Kūwaha and Māori

    Sharing knowledge with Māori communities and empowering Māori business with the latest science.