Neon applications software
The Neon Applications software is a suite of software and documentation which allows clients to set up their own Neon system on existing server hardware, or new server hardware located at the client’s premises. -
Stocking fish
Low recruitment could also be caused by widespread depletion of stocks -
Restoring fish passage
The movements of many juvenile native fish are often hindered by barriers to fish passage such as dams, weirs, falls, tide gates, culverts, screens and high water velocities. The New Zealand Fish Passage Guidelines sets out recommended practice for the design of instream infrastructure to provide for fish passage. -
Kaikoura Canyon survey
Research ProjectNew Zealand's Kaikoura Canyon is a 'biodiversity hotspot', containing far more life than seen before at such depths. -
Sediment and wind
How may wind energy generation activities influence sediments in waterways? -
Riparian vegetation and wind
What are the impacts of wind energy generation activities on riparian vegetation?