Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

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    Northern-hemisphere fossil discovered living in New Zealand

    News article
    A marine animal thought to have been extinct for four million years has been found alive and well and living near Picton.
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    NIWA scientists make waves about sea ice

    News article
    NIWA scientists have made a breakthrough in understanding one of the key processes driving changes in sea ice.
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    Joint New Zealand - German 3D survey reveals massive seabed gas hydrate and methane system

    News article
    A joint New Zealand-German research team has discovered a huge network of frozen methane and methane gas in sediments and in the ocean near New Zealand’s east coast.
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    Climate outlook for May - July released

    News article
    Our outlooks indicate the likelihood of climate conditions being at, above, or below average for the season as a whole, at a national and regional level.
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    Tooth isotopes and statistical models helping scientists understand NZ sea lion decline

    Feature story
    NIWA scientists are among a small group working to understand why New Zealand's sea lion population is declining. Using a range of methods, they're finding that the cause of the decline is varied, and includes changes in diet, bacterial infection, low pupping rates and low survival rates.
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    Using MICE to understand fish

    Media release
    More than 50 scientists from across the globe are meeting in Wellington this week to discuss how newly developed technology can best help countries manage their marine fisheries.
  • Sea lion teeth provide window on past

    News article
    A NIWA scientist is drilling the teeth of New Zealand sea lions to learn more about why the species is struggling to survive
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    Too much or not enough? Spotlight goes on UV research

    News article
    Scientists, dermatologists, skin cancer experts and health professionals are among those meeting in Auckland next week to discuss the latest research into UV radiation and how best to improve public awareness of UV issues.
  • Our World is Changing 9 April 2014

    Our world is changing - here is some food for thought...
  • Thin ice

    In late 2013, a group of scientists from NIWA travelled to Antarctica to perform a series of experiments under the sea ice to look at how climate change and ocean acidification could affect this fragile ecosytem.
  • NatHERS climate files 2012

    The Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of Industry (the Commonwealth) has developed Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) climate files 2012 compiled from Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) raw climate data and then used to complete a typical year for every NatHERS climate zone in Australia.
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    NIWA scientists at sea

    NIWA staff involved with the Louisville Seamount Chain voyage have wide ranging skills and expertise.