Freshwater species - publications

These are some recent publications related to the freshwater species ecology and management programme.

These are some recent publications related to the freshwater species ecology and management programme.


Franklin, P.A., Bašić, T., Davison, P.I., Dunkley, K., Ellis, J., Gangal, M., González-Ferreras, A.M., Gutmann Roberts, C., Hunt, G., Joyce, D., Klöcker, C.A., Mawer, R., Rittweg, T., Stoilova, V., Gutowsky, L.F.G. (2024) Aquatic connectivity: Challenges and opportunities in a changing climate. Journal of Fish Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15727

Baker, C.F., Williams, P. Pyper, N. & Franklin, P.A. (2024) Rubber ramp and spat rope did not facilitate upstream passage of a galaxiid through a perched culvert. Marine & Freshwater Research. 75(3): MF23207. DOI: 10.1071/MF23207

Crawford, R., Gee, E., Dupont, D., Hicks, B., Franklin, P.A. (2024) High water temperature significantly influences swimming performance of New Zealand migratory species. Conservation Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coae047

Franklin, P.A., Crawford, R., van Ravenhorst, W.B. & Baker, C.F. (2024) Impacts of marking methods on estimates of fish passage efficiency for a small-bodied fish. Marine & Freshwater Research. 75(2): MF23187. DOI: 10.1071/MF23187


Thieme, M.L., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Cooke, S.J., Opperman, J.J., Franklin, P.A., Richter, H., Baumgartner, L.J., Ning, N., An, V.V., Brink, K., Sakala, M., O’Brian, G., Petersen, R. & Tongchai, P. (2023) Measures to safeguard and restore river connectivity. Environmental Reviews. DOI: 10.1139/er-2023-0019

Crawford, R., Gee, E., Dupont-Valcy, D., Hicks, B. & Franklin, P. (2023) No difference between critical and sprint swimming speeds for two galaxiid species, Galaxias maculatus and Galaxias fasciatus. Journal of Fish Biology. 102: 1141-1148, DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15355

Magaju, D., Montgomery, J., Franklin, P., Baker, C. & Friedrich, H. (2023) Machine learning based assessment of small-bodied fish tracking to evaluate spoiler baffle fish passage design. Journal of Environmental Management. 325: 116507. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116507


Franklin, P.A., Sykes, J., Robbins, J., Booker, D.J., Bowie, S., Gee, E. & Baker, C.F. (2022) Building a national fish passage barrier inventory and estimating river connectivity to support fish passage policy implementation in New Zealand. Ecological Informatics. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2022.101831 


Franklin, P.A., Baker, C. & Reeve, K. (2021) A comparison of passage efficiency for native and exotic fish species over an artificial baffled ramp. Journal of Fish Biology. 99(6): 1928-1939. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14899

Magaju, D., Montgomery, J., Franklin, P.A., Baker, C. & Friedrich, H. (2021) Spoiler baffle patch design for improved upstream passage of small-bodied fish. Ecological Engineering. 169: 106316. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106316


Magaju, D., Montgomery, J., Franklin, P., Baker, C., Friedrich, H. A new framework for assessing roughness elements in promoting fish passage at low-head instream structures. Journal of Ecohydraulics. 

Riva-Rossi, C., Barrasso, D.A., Baker, C., Quiroga, A.P., Baigún, C., Basso, N.G. Revalidation of the Argentinian pouched lamprey Geotria macrostoma (Burmeister, 1868) with molecular and morphological evidence. PLOS ONE.

Hofstra, D., Schoelynck, J., Ferrell, J., Coetze, J., de Winton, M., O.Bickel, T., Champion, P., Madsen, J., Bakker, E.S., Hilth, S., Matheson, F., Netherland, M., Gross, E.M. On the move: New insights on the ecology and management of native and alien macrophytes. Aquatic Botany, Volume 162.


Knapp, M., Montgomery, J., Whittaker, C., Franklin, P., Baker, C., Friedrich, H. Fish passage hydrodynamics: insights into overcoming migration challenges for small-bodied fish. Journal of Ecohydraulics, Volume 4 - Issue 1: 43-55.

Franklin, P., Gee, E. Living in an amphidromous world: Perspectives on the management of fish passage from an island nation. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, Volume 29 - Issue 9: 1424-1437.

Whitehead, A., Cameron, A., Veloz, S., Kukkala, A., Moilanen, A., Gordon, A., Lentini, P.E., Cadenhead, N.C.R., Bekessy, S.A. Global synthesis of conservation studies reveals the importance of small habitat patches for biodiversity. PNAS, Volume 16 (3): 909-914.

Egan, E., Hickford, M., Schiel, D. Understanding the life histories of amphidromous fish by integrating otolith‐derived growth reconstructions, post‐larval migrations and reproductive traits. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, Volume 29 - Issue 9: 1391-1402.


Wilkes, M.A., Webb, J.A., Pompeu, P.S., Silva, L.G.M., Vowles, A.S., Baker, C.F., Franklin, P., Link, O., Habit, E., Kemp, P.S. Not just a migration problem: M etapopulations, habitat shifts, and gene flow are also important for fishway science and management. River Research and Applications, Volume 35 - Issue 10: 1688-1696.

Birnie‐Gauvin, K., Franklin, P., Wilkes, M., Aarestrup, K. Moving beyond fitting fish into equations: Progressing the fish passage debate in the Anthropocene. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, Volume 29 - Issue 7: 1095-1105. 


Baker, C., Jellyman, D., Reeve, K., Crow, S., Stewart, M., Buchinger, T., Lic W. First observations of spawning nests in the pouched lamprey (Geotria australis). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Volume 74, Number 10: 1603-1611.

Baker, C., Reeve, K., Baars, D., Jellyman, D., Franklin, P. Efficacy of 12-mm Half-Duplex Passive Integrated Transponder Tags in Monitoring Fish Movements through Stationary Antenna Systems. North American Journal of Fisheries Management Volume 37- Issue 6: 1289-1298. 

Collier, K.J., Baker, C.,  David, B.O., Górski, K., Pingram, M.A. Linking ecological science with management outcomes on New Zealand's longest river. River Research and Applications, Volume 35 - Issue 5: 476-488.

Whitehead, A., Kujala, H., Wintle, B.A. Dealing with Cumulative Biodiversity Impacts in Strategic Environmental Assessment: A New Frontier for Conservation Planning. Conservation Letters: A journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, Volume10 - Issue 2: 195-204.


Franklin, P., Smith, J., Baker, C., Bartels, B., Reeve, K. 2015. First observations on the timing and location of giant kōkopu (Galaxias argenteus) spawning. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, Volume 49 - Issue 3: 419-426.