Drought forecasting dashboard
NIWA and MPI are working together to develop a new drought forecasting tool. It uses innovative climate modelling, the latest in machine learning and other data-driven techniques to predict rainfall 35 days ahead. It will help farmers and growers better prepare for periods of dryness and drought.
Climate and weather
High Intensity Rainfall Design System (HIRDS)
ServiceHIRDS is a simple online tool that can estimate the magnitude and frequency of high intensity rainfall at any point in New Zealand. -
National Climate Database
Software Tool/ResourceDataHub is an interface that provides access to New Zealand's National Climate Database. -
Extreme coastal flood maps for Aotearoa New Zealand
ServiceDecisions about how we adapt to sea-level rise need to be based on information about our exposure to coastal flooding. -
Climate Change Adaptation Toolbox
ServiceThis Toolbox helps you find out about the changing climate, what it might mean for your business, organisation or community. -
Providing climate change advice for New Zealand
ServiceRegional-scale climate projections assist local authorities to assess risks presented by climate change now and prepare their communities for the future impacts. -
Climate Station daily/hourly data
ServiceNIWA collects daily/hourly data as part of the Climate Station Network. Parameters vary station to station. -
Climate Station raw data (10 min)
ServiceNIWA collects and generates as part of its Climate Station Network observational data in “10 min” format (data reported in 10 minute intervals). -
NIWA can help you leverage updated climate projections
ServiceNIWA is using updated climate projections to help New Zealanders better understand climate-related risks. -
NIWA weather and climate information
Software Tool/ResourceFree sources of weather and climate information and data from NIWA. -
Climate stations statistics
ServiceNIWA generates ‘Statistics’ from Climate Station Observations collected as part of our Climate Station Network. -
Climate station normals
ServiceNIWA generates ‘Normals’ from Climate Station Observations collected as part of our Climate Station Network. -
National Climate Network
ServiceSituated around New Zealand and the Pacific are climate and weather monitoring stations numbering over 1200.