Software tools

NIWA develops and supplies custom software for environmental analysis and modelling.

NIWA develops and supplies custom software for environmental analysis and modelling.

  • The Cylc Suite Engine

    Cylc: a general purpose workflow engine that orchestrates cycling workflows very efficiently.
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    Latent and sensible heat fluxes from lake water surfaces

    The latent heat flux and evaporation from lakes are predicted to increase in a warming climate. This model script (written in Matlab) estimates latent and sensible heat fluxes from lake water surfaces.
  • Statistical calculators

    Online statistics tools, including a detection calculator, a kappa calculator and a Lin's concordance calculator are now accessible as Python 3.x code stored in Github.
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    Neon applications software

    The Neon Applications software is a suite of software and documentation which allows clients to set up their own Neon system on existing server hardware, or new server hardware located at the client’s premises.
  • CHES - smarter use of New Zealand’s river waters

    CHES (Cumulative Hydrological Effects Simulator) software tool predicts how water flows in a catchment will change with multiple water uses (e.g. direct abstractions or storage reservoirs) and what the consequences will be to in-stream ecosystems and reliability of water-take.